Siemens S30810-Q2935-A301 CBCC, Перестроенный
The CBCC-module board S30810-Q2935-A301 is the central control-module-board for telephone system HiPath 3350 and HiPath 3550. The board is deployed in the HiPath 3000 starting at software-version 5.0.
Specifications and extension possibilites:
- 1x CBCC S30810-Q2935-A301
- 8x Digital (U P0/E)
- 2x ISDN (S 0)
- 4x Analogue (a/b)
- 1x EVM onCBCC
Compatible with the following systems:
- HiPath 3350
- HiPath 3550
- Octopus F200
- Octopus F400
Delivery Includes:
- Board S30810-Q2935-A301 CBCC
- Terminal block for the subscriber-interfaces
Состояние товара "Перестроенный"
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