Siemens S30810-Q2038-X CCD, Перестроенный

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Номер заказа: 526
Производитель: Siemens
Состояние : Перестроенный
номер детали, присвоенный производителем: S30810-Q2038-X CCD
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The central clock distributor CCD is one of the central modules and, together with the CCG module, comprises a failure unit.

The module is an expansion of the clock distribution field of the CCG module or NCCG.

A CCD is assigned to every redundant CCG.

If board failure occurs, the dependability system initiates a soft restart due to which the system automatically switches over the redundant unit. The absence of the CCD module is signaled to the corresponding CCG board.

Состояние товара "Перестроенный"

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