Siemens S30177-U773-X PB3000 Powerbox, Зеленый, Перестроенный

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Номер заказа: 5678
Производитель: Siemens
Цвет: Зеленый
Состояние : Перестроенный
номер детали, присвоенный производителем: S30177-U773-X
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The Power Box PB3000 is a compatible new-generation line of product for the extension box EBR. The power box is essential for the incorporation of necessary battery’s to ensure a stable power supply and / or for the integration of an additional LUNA2, if the internal system power supply is insufficient.

Delivery includes 19“ kit.

The Power Box is not applicable to the HiPath 3700 and HiPath 3750. The system specific connecting cables for the HiPath 3000 telephone systems are not included, but can be ordered separately.  

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