Siemens HiPath 3800 Extension-Box, Перестроенный
The extension-box S30805-G5413-X EB principally only works together with the HiPath 3800 central-box. Delivery of the H3800EB includes
- 2 power supply unit LUNA2
- 1 Module board DBSAP S30807-Q6722-X
- Connection cable (C39195-Z7611-A10) for central-box and extension-box
- Either a set of pedestals or a 19“ Kit
The front and rear metal covers are not included in the delivery, they can be ordered separately.
Состояние товара "Перестроенный"
Товар был в употреблении, прошел полную техническую проверку и тщательный контроль качества.
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