Alcatel 4039, Моро́женое Синева, Перестроенный

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Номер заказа: 6129
Производитель: Alcatel
Цвет: Моро́женое Синева
Состояние : Перестроенный
номер детали, присвоенный производителем:
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Enjoy the convenience and ergonomics offered by large displays and easy-to-use navigation keys. The device includes all necessary direct-access-keys, for example voicemail, muting, and re-dial. Fast connection via pre-installed contact direct-keys is available. 


  • Alphabetic QWERTZ-key pad
  • Adjustable and comfortable graphic-display with 4 shades of grey •100 Pixel x 160 Pixel •78 mm x 51 mm
  • Four-way-navigator making for a easy-to-use and fast operation
  • Includes all necessary direct-call-keys, such as voicemail, muting, and re-dialing
  • 2 x 5 Context-sensitive keys and up to 40 software keys, key-pad-extension via a maximum of 3 modules with a max. of 120 keys
  • Speaker-phone function with an excellent sound quality
  • Headset-interface
  • Ergonomic handset with a soft grip
  • Downlaodable software-updates
  • Designed for frequent callers who work alone or in a team
  • Easy installation
  • Measurements / weight: 240 mm x 180 mm x 133 mm / 1020 g

This device can be operated starting at sofware version R4 and is identical to theTelekom Octophon Open 151 WS.

Scope of Delivery

  • Telephone
  • Handset
  • Handset Cord

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