Siemens S30805-G5273-X L80XW Expansion-Box frame for wall mounting, Перестроенный

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Номер заказа: 7120
Производитель: Siemens
Состояние : Перестроенный
номер детали, присвоенный производителем: A30804-X5366-X
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Technical Specifications

  • Acceptance of peripheral modules with SIPAC connectors (compared to SIVAPAC in the L80X)
  • Two power supply modules with different functions (compared to one in the L80X)
  • 16 universal slots for peripheral modules with up to 24 ports in narrow band configuration
  • 384 ports in the maximum configuration for narrowband use (16 EBP x 24 ports)
  • 1 spare slot for RG or SIU
  • 1 slot for the LTUCE peripheral control module


  • Hicom 300 (330)
  • HiPath 4000 (4300)

Scope of Delivery

  • Frame with bottom plate and front door
  • S30805-G5273-X L80XW Mainbox frame for wall mounting


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