Вы хотите спросить о AlcatelPremium Reflexes 4020

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Номер заказа: 6012
Производитель: Alcatel
Цвет: Свет Се́рый
Состояние: Перестроенный
Номер детали .: 3AK27098

The Alcatel Premium Reflexes 4020 is identical in construction to the Octophon Open 20, is a system telephone, that can be connected to various Alcatel systems. The freely programmable keys can be programmed for the calling of respondents, for the activation of a service, or for the management of your calls. Every one of these keys is an icon.

  • Display
  • 6 freely programmable keys with Icon
  • LED for the display of messages
  • Key for information / programming
  • Keys for individual speed dialing destinations
  • Microphone key
  • hang up key
  • audio keys for the activation and deactivation of the speakers, microphone, and the setting of the volume
  • Keys for access to various night services
  • key for the connection of a call
  • Alpha keyboard for name choosing, usage of the voice message services, and for programming

Das Telefon wird von folgenden Telefonanlagen unterstützt:

The telephone is supported by the following telephone systems:

  • Alcatel 4200, 4400
  • Alcatel OmniPCX Office und Enterprise 
  • Alcatel Octopus Open 730, 830, 930 und 930XL